Coin Cleaning Solutions

We have a wide selection of coin cleaners and products, including cleaning cloths, tongs and gloves as well as the industry standard coin cleaning solutions. Proper use of the cleaning solutions and accessories is necessary to avoid damaging your coins in the process. Our coin cleaning books can walk you through these steps.

The most important aspect of coin cleaning is ensuring that you do not damage or in any way harm the value of your coin collection. Our coin cleaning solutions are designed to ensure that your collection is preserved and ultimately improved by the correct application of our products. If you would like expert advice on the best cleaning strategy for your coin collection,

When it comes to coin cleaners, the single most important piece of advise Bayou Bob can offer is already known to all coin dealers, but one that novice collectors fail to learn: Do not wipe, buff, polish or otherwise attempt to clean your coins. The lesson is simple and to the point.

Improperly cleaning a coin, even with just a little bit of soap and water, will almost always cause physical damage to its surfaces. The damage is often on a microscopic level and may not be readily evident to the untrained eye. Rest assured, however, that improperly cleaning a coin—even with a mildly abrasive substance such as a bar of hand soap—will impart hairline-thin scratches to its surfaces. These scratches are actually called hairlines, and their effect on a coin’s value can be catastrophic. Improperly cleaned coins are always worth significantly less than pieces that are left in their original state of preservation.

There are ways to properly clean a coin that can preserve or even enhance its value, and for that you should rely only on seasoned rare coin experts or professional coin restoration companies that possess the tools, knowledge and experience to properly clean a coin.

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