Comic Collecting Supplies

Comics are classified into 3 major categories, Victorian Age, Platinum Age, and Modern Age. Comic books came into existence during the Modern Age of comics in February of 1934 with the release of Eastern Color Printing's Famous Funnies #1, Series 1. The Modern Age of comics is classified into 4 sub-categories, Golden Age, Silver Age, Bronze Age, and Current. Bronze age comics don't feature their own size because they fell in between the Silver and Current ages. Early Bronze comics are sized like Silver, while late Bronze comics are Current sized.

Victorian Age: 1795 to 1899

Platinum Age: 1897 to 1938

Modern Age: 1929 to Present

Golden Age: 1934 to 1955 (Golden Comic Bags & Backing Boards)

Silver Age: 1956 to 1969 ( Silver Comic Bags & Backing Boards)

Bronze Age: 1970 to 1979 (Silver and Current Comic Bags & Backing Boards)

Current: 1980 to Present (Current Comic Bags & Backing Boards)

You will need to determine which of the 4 Modern Age categories that your comic book falls under to be sure to get the proper size of comic bags and backing boards. We suggest that you measure your comic book or refer to the copyright date to determine the category